UPDATE to "Breaking news (more to come) -- I may be developing an ulcer"

My patient coordinator e-mailed me back (I told you she was quick!). She said that 8-12 weeks is the standard time out. She said every patient is different and that we won't know when I'll be ready to come back until I actually am ready. She also said that it is better to give work the longer estimate and come back early than give the shorter one and not be able to make it.

She's probably right.

The plan
Here's what I'm thinking. I setup a meeting to talk to my boss on Wednesday and fill out all the paperwork we need to for FMLA (he and I both have to fill out forms for it and add those to the form the doctor's office filled out and then send them all to HR). I plan on explaining to him then that the time they put on the FMLA form is the standard but that it is likely (because I'm young and healthy and only my top curve is being corrected) that I will come back early, although not certain. If for some reason I'm not ready to come back after six weeks, I'll determine then if I think I'm able to telecommute at that time. For those of you who do not know me well, I have a job that I can do mostly from home, if necessary, as long as I have my laptop, wireless card and BlackBerry. My boss lets us telecommute occasionally when we can't make it into the office for whatever reason.

Hopefully I'll be able to do at least some work after six weeks from home. I'm just worried about when I'm coming back.

Let's count
Typically, March through May are really busy months for my business. If I come back 6 weeks after my Jan. 14 surgery date, I'll be back the first week of March (good). If it's 8 weeks, I'll be back mid-March (not-so-good). If it's 10 weeks, I'll be back the end of March (bad). If it's 12 weeks, I'll be back mid-April (ugh).

So Wednesday, we'll discuss all of this and see what he says. Don't uncross those fingers yet...


KEC said...


I'll be thinking about you in Wednesday. But more importantly don't worry so much about work. You need to focus on you. Making sure you're health and strong is more important than "busy season".

P.S. You're beautiful :-)

Megs said...

Kelsey, you are absolutely the sweetest person I know.

Thank you!


carra said...

I bet the work thing will work out better than you think, and Kelsey is right, being healthy and strong before returning is more important than anything. love you.

ps. i thought i was the sweetest person you know?

Kimberly 'Riggle' Franek said...

Not to sound redundant, but they're right about work. Think of it as a mini-vacation. Except replace the beach and MaiTais with a bed and pain pills. Same difference, right?!

Megs said...

Carra, you're wonderful. You know it.

Kim, it's not the same. Not at all. Not even a little bit! :) I wonder if I can have a pain pill and a MaiTai and forget about all of it? Hmmmmmm....

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