
Two new posts in two days--you lucky readers, you! Onward:

A bad sign?
Today, I woke up in a glorious mood. I woke up on my own three minutes before my alarm was set to go off and said to myself, "Today is a great day, I won't bother with the snooze button!" and started getting ready for work.

As I was rushing to get out the door, my cell rang. It was the Baylor Scoliosis Center. There was a complication with my surgery date, and I would need to change it.

Instant bad mood. I asked if I could call them back later. On the drive to work, I kept thinking about all the reasons why I should not do this surgery. I was upset, apprehensive, stressed.

The date change is one of those things that just happen, and I know that, but I was still upset. You get your head wrapped around something as big and important as this, and then it changes. Now I have to re-group and get my head around a new date.

Knowing Dr. Hostin does surgeries on MWF, I asked for the next surgery day, Wednesday, Jan. 21, because at least that's only two days later and not on a dreaded Friday. No dice.

Not wanting to have re-schedule before my intended date (this may seem unimportant, but I want to celebrate my besty's bday with her on the 16th since fate always keeps us from celebrating; I figure it will be my last big celebration before the surgery) and not wanting to re-schedule too far away from my original date of the 19th, that leaves Jan. 23--a Friday.

I asked to schedule then, they said yes and now it's set. Jan. 23. A Friday.

I e-mailed my patient care coordinator with my fears about Friday being right before a weekend and if something were to happen, the doctor wouldn't be there to take care of me.

She replied that their practice has someone on-call 24/7 for patient needs and a physician's assistant or Dr. Hostin will come check on me everyday that I'm in the hospital. When I'm transferred to the ICU after surgery, I'll have my own nurse all to myself all day long for that first day.

She said the nurses on-staff at the hospital are all specially trained to deal with patients who have this surgery, and if needed, Dr. Hostin is only a phone call away at any time--as is she. She said that I do not need to worry and to let her know if I have any other concerns she can help me with.

Enough already
I feel better now about my Friday concerns, although I'm still shaken up by the date change. At work, we had just figured out who's covering on what days a major part of my job while I'm gone. Now I'm going to have to figure out four more days that will change everyone slightly.

In yoga class, my teacher sometimes when we're holding a position will repeat to us again and again "Let" on the breaths in and "Go" on the breaths out. We release everything our bodies are holding onto and just let go and get in touch with ourselves in the position we are currently in.

So that's my focus today. Letting go.


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