Breaking the news

Tuesday, I went to the doctor. Wednesday, I e-mailed my family and close friends:

For those of you who do not know, I will be having surgery to correct my scoliosis either at the end of this year or beginning of next. I’m still working out time issues.

I have had increasing back pain in the last couple of years and increased problems with the way I look. I typically keep both these problems to myself, as I am for some reason embarrassed by it.

My back has continued to grow, and I found out yesterday at the doctor’s office that I am now almost two inches shorter than I was in high school. When I was growing up, my curve degree was in the 50 degree range, considered a gray area for surgery. Being young, in no pain, not being concerned with how I look and very concerned about surgery, we (mom, dad, doctors, me) decided to never go through the surgery.

Once I became old enough, I stopped going to specialists about my back. I always hated going as it was. But recently, it has become more and more apparent to me that I needed to go. Mom and I went to see a specialist yesterday.

I apparently am now out of the gray area and am in the 60-degree range. Because my degree has increased by so much in the years since my last appointment in high school, it is my doctor’s opinion that I have surgery to stop it from continuing to grow. I personally don’t want to be one of the hump-backed old ladies I see sometimes. Dr. Hostin said doing the surgery now would prevent complications that I may have if I waited til I was older to do the surgery, when I could be in more pain and not as healthy as I am right now in my life.

I know we all saw mom’s surgery and it was scary. Mine, I have been assured, will not be that bad (insert disclaimer here about the unforeseen). Dr. Hostin said we can just fix the top curve with a rod and leave the bottom curve alone. He believes the bottom curve is a compensation my body has made to manage the top curve and will go away on its own. He ordered more x-rays to confirm this. With just doing the top part, I will keep most of the range of motion and bending that I have now with my back, and the surgery won’t be as risky either.

I will move in with mom and dad at the end of the year, so they can help me out. I plan to move back to Dallas as soon as I can. It will be an easy move for me (sorry Barry!) since I won’t be able to lift anything!

I’ll have to take a month to six weeks off from work, which my boss was really understanding about and is helping me work out a plan to figure out the best way for me to do this. I’m not sure if I’ll have to wear a brace or not, but I can assure you that I will take it off no matter what the doctor says for Janet’s wedding! We’ll discuss that later!

If you have any questions about where I’m going, my doctors have a great and very informative Web site at I recommend reading the FAQ. You can see Dr. Hostin’s page there, too. I think he’s great and warmed to him immediately when I met him. He spent as much time as I wanted with me and mom yesterday answering our questions and even showing me before and after x-rays of other patients that are similar to me and some that are much worse than me.

One final thing, I know this may seem silly to some of you, but I’m going to start a blog to talk about this and my experiences with it. There’s not a whole lot out there about people my age talking about this and this fulfills one of my life to-do list items (start a blog — check). I know I wish I could read more about what they’ve been through, but most of it is old people or kids. I could care less if anyone reads it. I’ll let you know later what the address is.




Becky said...

Hey Megs! I'm so proud of you for doing this and proud of your commitment to your health and fitness in preparation for your surgery. You are a very strong woman and I am honored to have met you and spent a few hours with you during yoga class. -Becky

Megs said...

Thank you, Becky!

For anyone reading this, Becky, my former yoga teacher, directed me toward these sites to help me through my journey: (this site is good for pre and post surgery)

and (to help me practice the parts of yoga that go beyond the physical during my recovery).

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